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third molar中文是什么意思

用"third molar"造句"third molar"怎么读"third molar" in a sentence


  • 第三臼齿
  • 第三磨牙


  • Third molar tissue retractor
  • Research on congenital missing of the third molar in patients with different angle ' s malocclusions
  • Adults have 28 permanent teeth , or up to 32 including the third molars ( wisdom teeth )
    成年人有28颗恒牙,或者包括第三恒磨牙至多32颗(智齿) 。
  • Relationship between oral hygiene and postoperative complication after extraction of mandibular third molar
  • One of us ( young ) also took part in these experiments for which raw material was derived from the unerupted third molars ( “ wisdom teeth ” ) of six - month - old pigs
    本文作者之一杨恩也参与了这些实验,实验素材取自六个月大的小猪口中、尚未冒出的第三臼齿(智齿) 。
  • Instead the third molar tooth buds that provided cells to seed the scaffolds might have contained hidden stem cells ? potent progenitors of other cell types ? that were responsible for forming the new tissue
    也许,提供细胞接种在支架上的第三臼齿牙胚,可能含有看不见而负责形成新组织的干细胞(可以生成其他种类细胞的前驱细胞) 。
用"third molar"造句  


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